Track and Field consists of a group of athletic events held between individuals or teams. Track and field sports consist mainly of running events.
Track Length: Based on parallels of 84.39 (92.29yds) and a radius of 36.5m (39.92yds), making the two turns. The measurement is taken 30cm (11.81 in) from the inner edge for Lane 1 if there is a raised border of 20cm (7.87in) if there is no border. All other lane distances are measured 20cm (7.87in) from white line.
Lane Widths: 1 .22m (1 .33yds) wide and no more than 1.25m (1 .37yds). When the inner edge is a chalk line: Lane 1 measure 1 .12m (1 .22yds). The measurement being taken from the outside edge of the marking line to the outside edge of the marking line to the outside edge of the next line, going outwards from the track side of the inner kerb. All semicircular curves will be equal.
Staggers: Lanes 2-8 measurements are taken along a 20cm (7.87in) line from inside edge of each lane. On the diagram, the staggers for 1 00m (109.36yds) and 300m (328.08yds) apply only when the straights are 84.39m (92.29yds) and must be adjusted for tracks of other proportions.
Take Over Zones: 10 m (10.94yds) before and after the take over scratch line in each lane.
Line Width: 5cm (1.97in) wide
Colour: White
In international competition the 800 metre race is run in lanes as far as their first bend, making the use of the staggered starts necessary.