Playing Surface Measurement: Between 135 metres and 185 metres in length and between 110 metres and 155 metres in width.
Boundary Line: A white line shall be marked on the ground to identify the Playing Surface. This white line shall be drawn in the shape of an arc from the behind post at one end of the Playing Surface to the behind post at the other end of the Playing Surface. The white lines which are drawn are called the Boundary Line.
The following areas shall be marked on the Playing Surface:
Centre Square: Located in the centre of the Playing Surface - 50m long and 50m wide.
Centre Circle: Located in the middle of the Centre Square - an inner circle 3m in diameter and an outer circle 10m in diameter. Both circles are divided into two semicircles by drawing a straight line parallel with each goal line.
Interchange Area: A 15m wide area marked on the Boundary Line on each side of the Playing Surface at it’s widest point.
Goal Square And Kick-off Line: A further area, to be called the Goal Square, shall be marked by drawing two lines at right angles to the Goal Line for a distance of 9 metres from each goal post and connecting the outer end of each line by a straight line. This line is called the Kick-Off Line.
Goal Line And Behind Line: Marked between the Goal and Behind Posts at each end of the Playing Surface.
Fifty-metre Line: A 50m Arc at each end of the Playing Surface.
Relocation Of Centre Square: Where a Controlling Body is satisfied that the area within the Centre Square and Centre Circle will prevent the bouncing of the football or is otherwise in an unsuitable condition, it may direct the relocation of the Centre Square and Centre Circle.
Goal Posts: Two posts, to be called goal posts, shall be a minimum height of 6 metres and be placed at each end of the Playing Surface at a distance of 6.4 metres apart.
Behind Posts: A further two posts, to be called behind posts, shall be a minimum height of 3 metres and be placed at a distance of 6.4 metres on each side of the goal posts so that a straight line can be drawn on the ground to join each post.
Post Padding: A Controlling Body must ensure that padding is attached around each goal and behind post as follows:
- a minimum of 35 millimetres thick foam padding, covered in canvas or painted;
- a minimum height of 2.5 metres from the bottom of each goal and behind post;
- a suitable width to allow the padding to be fixed around each goal and behind post; and
- the padding must be securely attached around each goal and behind post.