Rugby is a game played with an oval ball that may be kicked or carried to the opponents end of the field to score.
Rugby league is professional Rugby Football consisting of two 13 player teams.
Pitch Measurement: 1OOm (109yrds) in length by 68m (74.36yrds) in width maximum. For adult games the dimensions should be as near maximum as possible. Minimum permissible dimensions should be laid down in the rules of the competition in which a match is played. External dimensions exclude the width of the lines, all other dimensions are measured between the lines.
The broken lines shown in the diagram consist of marks or dots not more than 2m (2.19yrds) apart. The transverse broken lines may span the width of the field however if they are restricted, they must not be shorter than 15m long.
The 20m lines and halfway line must be marked across the full width of the field.
Dead Ball Line: 6m (6.56yrds) minimum of 11m (12.03yrds) maximum behind the goal lines on either side of the field.
Corner Posts: Placed at the intersection of each goal line and touch line. A corner post is in the touch goal area.
Goal Post: They extend indefinitely upwards 5.5m (6.01yrds) apart and are connected by a crossbar 3m (3.28yrds) from the ground.
Line Width: 5cm (1.97in) wide
Colour: Typically White.
When marking the lines for a Rugby League pitch the touchlines are in the in touch area. The touch in goal lines are in the touch-in-goal area. The goal lines are in the in goal area and the dead ball line is beyond the in-goal area.