Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is played on a court with a net strung in the middle of the court, a racket and a ball. This game may be played with two as singles or four as doubles and ca be played both indoors and outdoors.
Court Measurement: 23. 77m (78ft) long by 10.97m (36ft). Including the width of the lines.
A diagonal check measurement to assist in setting out courts can be done. It is taken from where the net and the outside sideline intersect to the opposite corners of the court. For singles that measurement would be 14.46m (15.81yrds) and for a doubles court would measure 16.18m (17.69yrds).
Centre Service Line: 12.80m (14yrds) long. Parallel to the sidelines directly in the middle of the court and meets perpendicular at the service lines.
Centre Mark: 10cm (3.9yrds) long marked directly in the middle of the baselines at both ends of the court.
Service Line: 6.4m (7yrds) from the centre of the court and 8.23m long, on either side of the Centre Service Line.
Tramlines: 1.37m (15yrds) from the outside edge of the sidelines on either side of the court.
Run-Back And Side Run: Recommended 6.4m (7yrds) - maximum/ 5.49m (6yrds) - minimum and 3.66 (4yrds) - maximum/ 3.05m (3.4yrds) minimum respectively.
Net: 0.914m (3ft) high and 12.8m (42ft) long. Placed in the centre of the court dividing the court equally into two sides.
Line Width: 5cm (2”) wide
Colour: White